USA Immigration Attorneys Helping Vietnamese Come to America
The United States of America is the most popular destination for Vietnamese immigrants. Of those who have left Vietnam and resettled in other countries, about half of Vietnamese people have come to America. In fact, Vietnamese people are the fourth largest Asian ethnic group found in the United States. The U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018, estimated that there are is an estimated 2.2 million people of Vietnamese heritage living in America. Each year, those numbers continue to grow as more and more Vietnamese are coming to America to take advantage of the opportunities available.
Nationwide Assistance for All Vietnamese Immigrants
Since the USCIS is a federal agency, we are able to assist clients with immigration issues in every state, regardless of location. Although we are located in Renton, WA (near Seattle, WA), we are able to help you get your visa, green card or citizenship whether you live in California, Texas, Oregon, New York or any other state in America.
Technological advances have made video conferences the norm and readily available to everyone. It has allowed us to establish a face-to-face relationship with anyone who requires our assistance yet may not get to due to distance. We understand that finding the right immigration attorney requires due diligence and communication. When you reach out to our office, you'll be connecting with an expert immigration lawyer who has helped countless individuals and families reach their immigration goals.

Types of Vietnamese Immigration Services
For Vietnamese Immigrants by Vietnamese Lawyers
There are several options available for a Vietnamese person who is thinking of immigrating to the United States or, if you're already here, to become a permanent resident or citizen. At Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC, we have expert Vietnamese immigration lawyers who can guide you down the right path and help make your transition a smooth one.
Green Cards
Luật Di Trú:
- Bảo lãnh vợ chồng (hôn phu & hôn thê: spouse & fiancé)
- Bão lãnh cha mẹ
- Bão lãnh con cái
- Bão lãnh anh chị em
- Bão lãnh các thành viên khác trong gia đình
- Điền đơn xin nhập tịch
- Điền đơn xin quốc tịch
Immigration Lawyers Committed to Your Success
Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC is a customer service-orientated law office and our legal team is focused on improving lives and shaping powerful relationships. For this reason, our clients feel protected and secure when they put their legal worries & concerns into our hands.
What to Look for In an Vietnamese Immigration Attorney
Experience in Vietnamese Immigration Cases
In any endeavor, those who already walked the path are the best guides. Our Vietnamese immigration lawyers have not only gone through the U.S. naturalization process themselves, they have turned around and helped others walk the same path to success they have.
Seamless Communication in Vietnamese & English
Communication and correct translation is of the utmost importance when it comes to bridging the language barrier and working with U.S. government agencies. When working with Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC, you will have multiple contacts and staff members to assist who are fluent in both languages to ensure that nothing is lost in translation.
Lawyer and Legal Team Are Easily Accessible
Often times throughout the immigration process, you will have several questions and concerns that arise. The best way to find reassurance and peace of mind is to reach out and consult your immigration attorney and have them approach the issue with transparency and honesty.
Our team is customer service-orientated so we committed to being available to you and walking alongside you where ever the journey may take us.
Mutual Respect Between Attorney and Client
Any relationship, especially that of an attorney-client relationship, can only thrive and succeed at providing client results by both parties having a mutual respect and understanding for one another. When this is established, we are able to best achieve our goals of establishing your new life and legacy in the United States.
Immigration Lawyer is Empathic Towards Your Situation
The Vietnamese community is a strong one built on deeply rooted relationships and a willingness to help each other. We have an intrinsic yearning to see each other succeed and take pride in our nationality. That why as an ethnic group, we are rising on the social-economic scale.
Put your trust in a immigration lawyer who truly cares about you as a person and helping you reach your goals.