Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC

Client-focused, Results-orientated.

Intestate Heir Needed a Probate Attorney to Bring Closure to Her Mother's Suspicious Disappearance

Cathy’s mother, Debra, had suspiciously gone missing when Cathy was 10 years old and 15 years later, detectives were still unable to close the case.  Cathy and her grandmother continued to live in Debra's home and kept current with the mortgage. 

Now, with a husband & newborn, she wants to sell the property and start fresh. Unfortunately, with Debra presumed alive and the house still titled under her name, neither Cathy nor her grandmother had actual rights to the property. They couldn't do anything until the records were updated.
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Personal Representative Needed a Probate Attorney to Administer a Friend's Estate

Maria and Barbara were Don's neighbors for over a decade and his closest friends. In fact, when Don's wife passed away several years ago, they became the closest to relatives he had, aside from his two dogs.

Maria treated Don as a daughter did a father. It was no surprise that in his will, he assigned her as his estate's personal representative.

The will also stated that Barbara would inherit $100,000 and custody of his two dogs. Maria would get the rest of his estate and remaining assets valued at $500,000.
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